> 文章列表 > 春节去亲戚旅游好吗英文





Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before Spring Festival, we clean our houses, prepare festive meals, and decorate our homes with red lanterns and couplets. During this time, many Chinese people engage in the tradition of visiting relatives. It is a time for family reunions, exchanging blessings, and strengthening family ties.

参考翻译:During the Spring Festival, it is customary for people in China to visit their relatives, exchange greetings, and wish each other good luck and happiness. This tradition helps to foster a sense of togetherness and show respect for family values.


During the Spring Festival, people visiting their friends and relatives, giving each other mutual blessings and well wishes is a common tradition. It symbolizes the importance of maintaining strong social connections and fostering goodwill among loved ones. This practice adds warmth and joy to the festive atmosphere.





The English translation for \"春节\" is Spring Festival. For example, we can say: \"Today we are all together for the Spring Festival.\" In Chinese culture, the Spring Festival is a time for family reunions, and people come together to celebrate.


春节的英文名词有多种表达方式,例如:Spring Festival, Chinese New Year, Lunar New Year。这些都是专有名词,表示中国传统农历正月初一的节日。我们可以在这些单词前加上the,表示特定的节日。比如:the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year。


将来时:Our family will take a trip during the new year.

过去时:Our family took a trip during the new year.



The English word for \"春节\" is Spring Festival. It is a traditional festival in China that marks the beginning of the lunar new year. During this time, people celebrate with family gatherings, festive meals, fireworks, and other traditional customs.


春节的英文名词:spring festival(春节)、lucky money(压岁钱)、firework(烟花)。


春节的英文动词:celebrate(庆祝)、look forward to(盼望)。



The English translation for \"拜年\" is \"paying New Year\'s visit\" or \"greeting for the New Year\". In China, during the Spring Festival, it is customary for people to visit friends and relatives, exchanging greetings, and wishing each other a prosperous and happy New Year.


Spring Festival is special. Last year, my uncle and aunt came back from Shanghai to celebrate with our family. We were all very happy to see them and spend time together. We had a big family dinner, exchanged gifts, and watched the traditional lion dance performance. It was a joyful and festive time filled with laughter and good wishes.
